August 18th, 2020 by

Whether they’re a full-bred Labrador or a mystery-mutt rescue, your dog is a member of the family. At Landers Chevrolet Cadillac of Joplin, it’s our top priority to keep our customers and their families safe, including their furry friends! Cars are designed to keep humans safe, but they don’t generally have built-in safety features for Fido. Here is how you can ensure your dog stays safe on the road! Find the perfect, new vehicle for your next road trip.

Use a Crate or Containment System

Your dog may enjoy romping around in the back seat or the truck bed, but it’s definitely not safe. Lap dogs probably feel comfortable in the driver’s seat, but that’s a huge hazard, too. To keep you and your dog safe, it’s important to secure them in the back of the vehicle in a containment system or crash-tested crate. The Center for Pet Safety (CPS) adopted Federal Motor Vehicle Standard 213 which regulates child vehicle restraints as their guide for testing dog restraints. They offer a list of certified restraints on their website for dogs of all sizes. You can visit their website to see some of their recommendations.

Give Your Dog Access to Water

Make sure to always allow your dog frequent access to water. This is important for long car rides, but even if you’re just running errands you should be prepared (of course, never leave your dog unattended in the car). Keep a water bottle and a bowl in your car for emergencies, but if you’re in a pinch, you can let your dog drink water from your cupped hands.

Roll up the Windows and Lock Them

Sure, it’s cute to watch your dog enjoy the breeze when they stick their head out of the car window, but it’s just not safe. If you were to hit the brakes suddenly, your dog could slide forward and injure their neck. Adventurous dogs have also been known to leap right out of the window, so it’s best to keep the window closed and the child lock on so they can’t accidentally roll down the window with a paw.

Stop and Take Breaks

Make sure to take plenty of breaks! Traveling with a dog is a little bit like traveling with a toddler. They’re needy, whiny, and need plenty of potty breaks. Stop every two hours to allow your dog to do their business and stretch their legs. They’ll be much happier (and you honestly need the break, too).

Give Your Dog Some Air

Keep your dog comfortable! Make sure to adjust the temperature as needed, and never leave your dog in a parked car alone! On warm days, even with a cracked window, the temperature inside the car can grow dangerously high in a matter of minutes. If you can’t bring your dog with you inside your destination, it’s best to leave them at home or with a pet-sitter.

Are you ready to take on the road with man’s best friend? If you need the perfect car for dog lovers, check out the Silverado 1500! There are plenty of CPS-approved containment systems that fit securely in the truck bed! Give us a call or visit us at Landers Chevrolet Cadillac to take one for a test drive.

Browse our inventory of the 2020 Chevy Silverado 1500.